Version History:
- Made Arrows Grey for better use in day/night/caves
- Fixed donate screen
- Fixed spelling error with health potion
- Renamed invincibility potion to toughness potion
- Fixed toughness potion not working
- Added Superpunch potion
- Increased drop rate of acorns
- Fixed bug where torch wouldn't loose light under some cases.
- Nerfed torches to give more use to lanterns.
- Made seeds not land on other plants.
- Made flower color more random
- Fixed creeper not exploding by constantly running into it
- Fixed 2 menus not using the new scale format
- Added more to the debug menu
- Updated graphic for brewing table
- made a limit of 125 mobs spawned instead of 200.
- Fixed health potion not giving you bottles back
- Code cleanup
- Other minor bug fixes
- Brewing Table
- Added Bottles
- Stamina Potion (Unl. Stamina for 7 secs)
- -Invincibility Potion (Unl. Health for 7 secs)
- +Invincibility Potion (Unl. Health for 14 secs)
- Fixed Auto place of Items
- Get a Lift Glove back on respawn now
- Minor Graphic updates
- Apples take less stamina to eat now
- Minor spelling errors fixed
- Creepers are fixed
- Torches now light up your area when holding them
- Torches now have a change to drop when breaking them
- Controls have been reconfigured to be more accurate.
- Day/night cycle is now saved.
- Game will attempt to run at 30 fps if it detects low ticks.
- Code cleanup
- Minor bug fixes

- Made Arrows Grey for better use in day/night/caves
- Fixed donate screen
- Fixed spelling error with health potion
- Renamed invincibility potion to toughness potion
- Fixed toughness potion not working
- Added Superpunch potion
- Increased drop rate of acorns
- Fixed bug where torch wouldn't loose light under some cases.
- Nerfed torches to give more use to lanterns.
- Made seeds not land on other plants.
- Made flower color more random
- Fixed creeper not exploding by constantly running into it
- Fixed 2 menus not using the new scale format
- Added more to the debug menu
- Updated graphic for brewing table
- made a limit of 125 mobs spawned instead of 200.
- Fixed health potion not giving you bottles back
- Code cleanup
- Other minor bug fixes
~ Longer day/night
~ Added Day and Night
~ More mobs spawn at night than day
~ Stone Floors
~ Added option to respawn
~ Remember to keep your stuff in a chest
~ Beds
~ Beds set respawn point
~ Keep playing after killing the boss
~ Fixes 'show fps' bug
~ creepers should be spawning again
~ decreased spawn rate of skeletons
~ Fixed other minor bugs

~ Fixed Air Wizard Bug
~ Fixed about menu
~ Added Arrows
~ Made bow require arrows to shoot
~ Nerfed Skeletons. Arrows only hit 3 now on Player.
~ Trees now drop more acorns
~ Cooked items in Oven Require 5 coal now
~ Win menu now gives option to continue
~ Bonemeal can now be used on saplings
~ Fixed sprite for bonemeal
~ Renamed Pow Glove to Lift Glove
~ Minor bug fixes

~ Fixed stone wall bug
~ Fixed diagonal bug with controls(let me know)
~ Fixed inventory bugs
~ Moved arrows lower
~ Made game save when you win
~ Added bone-meal
~ Added Show-fps option
~ Ore no longer hurts you
~ Added loading details to loading screen

Fixed chest bug
Fixed lag in lava level
Made crafting table more clear to understand
Speed up Loading time
Changed render code
Added stone walls (5 stone)
Lowered spawn rate it caves
Mobs shouldn't spawn on farmland
Moved health and stamina to top of screen
Added score to bottom left of screen
Nerfed creepers a bit
Fix for TnT breaking things it shouldn't
Fix controlls
New arrows
Added simple help menu
Fixed auto place of furniture

- Fixed Zoom on some devices
- Attempt at size render for smaller devices
- Added Bow and arrow
- Fixed Boss level Rendering
- Fixed multiple air wizard bug
- Added Buckets for lava and water (3 iron ingots place in hole)
- Made TNT emit particles when lit
- Fixed crafting menu shift
- Fixed TNT not hurting players
- Added ads (temp)

- Added in game options menu with ingame save
- You can only save from in game to prevent corruptions
- Smaller radius for TNT and Creepers
- Added in-game cheat menu (hit menu button)
- Creepers cant break stairs neither can TNT
- Fixed 500 torch bug
- Added sounds to menus
- Changed Loading Screen (Recode)
- Changed How saves and loads are handles (Recode)
- Changed How input is handled (Recode)
- Added splash screen
- ++loading time

- Fixed title screen on first boot up
*** Your saves will most likely NOT work for the update.
- Added New placeable (blocks) doors, floors, and walls
- Changed way tiles are loaded
- Added options menu at title screen (autosave every 5 min)
- Changed spawn rate of up/down stairs
- Changed saving and loading to try to fix
- Fixed crafting issue
- Fixed weapons not working on load
- Made arrow for title menu
- Added splash screen
- Rendering tweeks

- Fixed Load Game not showing after first save.
- Made creepers a little harder
- fixed torches not dropping
- changed crafting text.(tell me what you think)
- added leveling system. (just for looks for now :P)
- flowers placed are now random in color
- Fixed screen shift. (hopefully, works for me)
- made it so you cant save if your dead

* Fixed inventory loading up blank after reload
* Fixed chests
* Fixed Tools
* New Icon for market

2.5 alpha
- Must make a new game after update. :(
- FIXED items not working after load. :D
- Torches 5 = (5 coal, 1 wood)
- Random colored flowers on the map.
- Fixed chest bug
- Faster load/save
- Clean up on code
- Small changes to controls. May not fix all bugs.

2.2 alpha
-You Wont Lose Your Saves If You Update
-Fixed Control glitch
-Made Buttons Smaller
-Made Joystick more smooth
-Fixed Tnt Bug
-Creepers Drop Bones Instead Of Gems
-Other Small Bug Fixes

1.1 alpha
- Added creeper sound
- Added Caterpillar sound
- they both flash pre explode
- Added TNT made with 5 gunpowder
- Added gunpowder
